Syracuse Baptist Church is a Bible-centered country Church located in northern Indiana, and is affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Pastor Tim Bushong began ministering here in July of 2017.

Sunday Morning Services
10013 N. Syr-Web Road, Syracuse

9:30 am | Bible Study 

This time includes interactive study of God's Word spanning all age groups. We meet in the Fireside Room.

10:30 am | Worship Service

The service is held in the Sanctuary. Families gather to worship through singing and giving. The expository sermons are designed to explain God's Word and to make a pointed connection to life.

Biblical, Evangelical, and Christ-Centered

  • Verse-By-Verse Expository Preaching

  • Traditional, Yet Lively Hymnody

  • Warm and Friendly Atmosphere


Contact Us:
Ph# 574-457-5532



Watch our Sermons on our YouTube Channel

It is not man only that tells of sin and offers a Savior; not man only that presents promises of acceptance through Christ; not man only that calls his fellows to repentance and trust in Jesus; not man only, that invites to a life of full consecration to God, and gives assurances to help in the attempt to lead that life. It is the voice of God—of the living God. It is the invitation of Christ—the ever-present Christ. It is the Holy Ghost whose sword is thus unsheathed to convict of sin, of righteousness and of a judgment to come.
— James Petigru Boyce